Join The World’s No.1 Online Snooker & Cue Sports Coaching Network

3 World Snooker Champions – 2015, 2018 & 2020
37+ World Snooker Tour Titles
30+ World Snooker Tour R/Ups
35 World Snooker Tour Professionals coached in SightRight Methods

“SightRight is the one best coaching method to follow”
Stephen Hendry MBE – 7x World Champion

The Home For Online Snooker & Cue Sports Coaching

Learn the secrets of SightRight Coaching & more from our World Class Team

Mark Williams MBE
3x World Champion
“Stephen is the best coach in the world! I never thought I’d ever win a 3rd World Title”
Stephen Hendry MBE
7x World Champion
“SightRight Coaching & The Pocket SightRight are Gamechangers
Shaun Murphy
2005 World Champion
“The difference using SightRight Methods was significant and immediate “

35 World Snooker Tour Professionals have been coached in SightRight Methods.
3 World Snooker Champions – 2015, 2018, 2020 | 37+ World Snooker Tour Titles | +30 Runner ups

Get On Line With The Pocket SightRight
Patented Sighting and Alignment Technology

The Pocket SightRight is exclusively for personal use only. It is not authorised for use by non SightRight Accredited Coaches. For more information please visit our terms and conditions.

The Pocket SightRight for Snooker & Cue Sports will help you start your journey to improve your game.

It comes as part of our full Player Members Club Option, the SightRight Home Theory Course option, or separately with the Pocket SightRight Tutorial.

The Pocket SightRight tutorial is presented by Stephen Feeney with 7x World Champion Stephen Hendry

  • Assess Your Individual SightRight Sighting Line
  • Achieve Perfect Aiming In Your Pre-Shot Routine
  • Achieve Technical Alignment In Your Stance
  • Develop A Perfect & Accurate Cue Action
  • Significantly Improve Your Long Potting.
  • Dramatically improve your accuracy across your whole game

‘The Pocket SightRight is a must have for in every Cue Case’
Mark Williams MBE

‘The Pocket SightRight is a gamechanger, for all Cue Sports’
Stephen Hendry MBE

‘Perfect Sighting In your Pocket’
Shaun Murphy

SightRight’s 10 Steps Coaching Methods Will Quickly Develop Your Game

Perfect Sighting, Aiming & Alignment

Can you guarantee you are sighting the line of an aim perfectly?

No-one has passed all SightRight Tests to date, sighting across a line of aim they believed they were sighting perfectly.

SightRight methods prove how you see perfectly straight to then sight & aim perfectly, improving accuracy across your whole game.

Pre Shot Routine

A perfect Pre Shot routine is essential for development and consistency in your game.

Learn the secrets behind the SightRight Pre Shot Routine including the SightRight Step

Technique – Stance

Without Perfect Sighting in your Pre Shot routine, a Players Stance can develop in any fashion, leading to misalignment & manipulation in the players Cue Action, leading to inconsistency and frustration.

A perfect Stance is easy for most players to form if they follow the correct process.

Technique – SightRight Cue Action

SightRight Methods will quickly improve your Cue Action & alignment to your SightRight Sighting Line.

You will learn to find and strike the centre of the cue ball with consistency. Your cue power, potting accuracy and positional play will improve dramatically.

Sighting Pots & Angles The SightRight Way

Players of all standards struggle to see many potting angles around the table due to poor sighting and alignment bias.

Our Theory Course will quickly help you understand the basic fundamental coaching principles of Line of Aim & Line Of Contact which seem to have been lost in other coaching practices. You will learn to sight and aim accurately for all potting angles from you perfect SightRight Sighting Line to improve accuracy across your whole game.

SightRight Practice Routines /Drills

SightRight’s unique practice routines (only available in our Network or Face to Face with our Accredited SightRight Coaches) are designed to help the player embed their new SightRight pre shot routines to sight and aim perfectly for every shot.

The routines are also designed to quickly improve the players Technique, Cue Action & Ball Striking Skills.

Rest Play

Perfect sighting and alignment in your pre shot routine will also help you speedily develop your rest play accuracy.

Escaping Snookers

Escaping snookers become so much easier when a player is sighting and aiming perfectly. Perfect technical alignment and cueing then ensures accurate cue ball striking to send the cue ball exactly where you intend.

SightRight Methods – Used By The Best In The World

Mark Williams MBE
3x World Champion
“Stephen is the best coach in the world! I never thought I’d ever win a 3rd World Title”

Stephen Hendry MBE
7x World Champion
“SightRight Coaching & The Pocket SightRight are Gamechangers“

Shaun Murphy
2005 World Champion
“The difference using SightRight Methods was significant and immediate “

“I’m now Ranked in the World’s elite Top 16, got to 2 Ranking Event Finals & a World Semi Final thanks to SightRight”
David Gilbert

5 titles, 7 finals, thanks to SightRight. Best decision in my Career
Martin Gould

SightRight Coaching has helped me achieve my dream of playing at the Crucible
Tian Peng Fei

SightRight has helped me trust my line. and significantly improve my accuracy
Li Hang

How Our Player Members Club Will Help You Develop Your Game

SightRight 10 Steps Home Theory Course
Launched during Covid lockdown, the SightRight Home Theory course was designed to help players understand the theory behind SightRight’s 10 Coaching Steps for when they return back to their clubs. This Course also includes the Pocket SightRight & Tutorial.

Pocket SightRight For Cue Sports + Tutorial

Covers SightRight Coaching Steps 1, 2 & 3 to:

  • Assess Your Individual SightRight Sighting Line
  • Achieve Perfect Aiming In Your Pre-Shot Routine
  • Achieve Technical Alignment In Your Stance & Cue Action
  • Learn How To Use The Pocket SightRight Around The Table
  • Significantly Improve Your accuracy across your whole game

Masterclass Sessions – Jan ’21
In January, our Members will be able to start accessing our Masterclass Sessions. These Masterclasses will cover all of SightRight’s 10 Steps in advanced detail, as well as all aspects of Snooker & Cue Sports Coaching for all standards. This will be exciting filming with our three ambassadors, Stephen Hendry MBE, Mark Williams & Shaun Murphy, and our team of Coaching Experts – learning from the best in the game.

Fitness & Nutrition
Join our Professional Sports Coach Stephen Burke on a 16 week Snooker orientated Fitness course to improve your fitness, concentration and performance when you play.

My Game
Our unique ‘My Game’ Feature in our Player Member’s Club has been designed specially to enable you to track your: Start Point, Standard, record your Progress & Achievements and track how you are improving in your game.

Record and update your Highest Break each time you beat it. Save your favourite practice routines and make Notes from your Courses or Masterclasses tp refer to when you are practicing.

Book An SightRight Coach
Book Face To Face Coaching with any of our International SightRight Coaches via our Central Booking Systemto support or accelerate your online learning.

Ask Our Experts
If you have a query from our Courses or masterclasses, ask us.

Exclusive Content & News
Check out SightRight On Tour feature, to follow Stephen Feeney with his players behind the scenes at events (subject to COVID restrictions)

Meet ‘Your’ World Class Coaching Team

Wayne Griffiths
Lee Walker
Stephen Feeney
Terry Griffiths OBE
Alex Lely

Meet SightRight Founder – Stephen Feeney

Stephen Feeney has coached 3 World Champions in the last 5 years (2015, 2018, 2020) and is currently the Coach to three of the greatest players of all-time – Stephen Hendry, Mark Williams & Ronnie O’Sullivan.

He is the man behind Mark Williams’ resurgence to a 3rd Crucible title.

His work with Ronnie O’Sullivan over the last two seasons has led to a record-breaking 7th UK Championship, surpassing Stephen Hendry’s 36 Ranking Title Record, 1000 Centuries, a return to the World No.1 spot & a 6th World Title in 2020.

Working with Stephen & his SightRight Methods has been the main influence for Stephen Hendry’s return from retirement to the main World Snooker Tour.

Watch this BBC footage to understand why Ronnie O’Sullivan in commentary at The 2020 Masters referred to Stephen as “the greatest technical snooker coach in the World”.

Join the Worlds No. 1 Online Snooker & Cue Sports Coaching Network

With members from over 95 countries, You’re in safe hands to develop your game with the help of our Ambassadors & Coaching Experts.

All members have choices of our Online Coaching Tutorials and Masterclasses or Face to Face coaching with our international team of accredited SightRight Coaches.

“SightRight is the one best coaching method to follow”

Stephen Hendry MBE – 7x World Champion