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Many of the World’s Best Professionals including Stephen Hendry, Mark Williams, Shaun Murphy & Terry Griffiths (holders of 12 World Titles) are using or coaching SightRight’s proven methods.

Join us during the Covid lockdown by subscribing to our online SightRight Theory Course so you can develop your game at home. When Clubs reopen, our online SightRight Practical Coaching Sessions will also be available to all Subscribers in our Player Members Club.

36 Professional & 2 World Titles Won By Pros Using SightRight Methods


Stephen Feeney is the Coach to three of the greatest players of all time – Stephen Hendry, Mark Williams & Ronnie O’Sullivan.
He has also taken David Gilbert into the World’s Elite Top 16 for the first time. Watch this BBC footage to understand why Ronnie O’Sullivan in commentary at The Masters referred to Stephen as “the greatest technical snooker coach in the World”.

He has brought together World Champions and a Team of World Class Cue Sports Coaches to deliver this Online Cue Sports Coaching Network.

In our Player Members Club you can learn the theory of SightRight Coaching and develop your game with the help of the greatest players and coaches in the world.

Join World Class Professionals Using SightRight Methods

Mark Williams MBE
3x World Champion
“Stephen is the best coach in the world! I never thought I’d ever win a 3rd World Title”
Stephen Hendry MBE
7x World Champion
“SightRight Coaching & The Pocket SightRight are Gamechangers
Shaun Murphy
2005 World Champion
“The difference using SightRight Methods was significant and immediate “

SightRight’s 10 Steps For Technical Perfection

Plus all Key Technical Areas

Get On Line With The Pocket SightRight

The success of SightRight Methods on Tour speaks for itself. The Pocket SightRight will be the most valuable thing you will have in your cue case aside to your cue

SightRight Is A Gamechanger, For All Cue Sports”

Stephen Hendry
7x World Champion & King Of The Crucible

Learn From SightRight’s World Class Coaches To Be The Best You Can Be

Wayne Griffiths
Lee Walker
Stephen Feeney
Terry Griffiths OBE
Alex Lely

What World Class Pro’s Are Saying About SightRight

I’m now Ranked in the World’s elite Top 16, I never would of believed it!
David Gilbert

5 titles, 7 finals, thanks to SightRight. Best decision in my Career
Martin Gould

SightRight Coaching has helped me achieve my dream of playing at the Crucible
Tian Peng Fei

SightRight has helped me trust my line. and significantly improve my accuracy
Li Hang

I was shocked how far offline I was & amazed at Stephens Technical Knowledge
Ben Woollaston

Every player should have a Pocket SightRight in their Cue Case
Rob Milkins

In a tough competitive world you need every advantage you can get
Sam Baird

SightRight is empowering – I’ve already reached my first Semi Final
Daniel Wells

Simply the best Coaching Methods in the game today!
Lee Walker

The accuracy SightRight gives you is amazing!
Billy Joe Castle

Without Steve & SightRight I would not have won the Indian Open
Matt Selt

SightRight & The Media…

Join The Best To Improve Your Game